5 Super Foods That Remove Nasty Toxins From Your Body

Harmful toxins are everywhere and are increasing every day, say holistic health experts. Humans are using more pesticides, chlorine, formaldehyde, heavy metals such as lead, and other nasty toxins every day. Over time, these toxins will accumulate in the tissues and cause symptoms. Toxins produce free radicals and oxidation, which can cause problematic changes in cell structure such as mutations in DNA. There are many ways to detoxify your body. For a start, be aware of what toxins you may be exposed  to, in water, in foods, chemicals in the environment, mercury fillings in your mouth, artificial colors and flavors, pesticides in foods and wines and inhaled during gardening. Eating  50 g of fiber a day, using  detoxifying herbs and antioxidants as well as breaking a sweat daily is a start to cleaning up your blood and tissues.

Holistic health specialists know that our bodies accumulate harmful toxins over time. However, they warn, we shouldn’t wait until we start feeling bad enough to seek professional help. Your body has an amazing ability to clear itself out of toxins. However, you need to give it the right materials it needs to properly cleanse itself. So what foods can you enjoy to help your body rid itself of harmful toxins? Here are some super foods holistic health experts recommend eating more of to help your body, help itself:

Cilantro and Parsley

Heavy metals in the human body, such as aluminum, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead, cause many harmful health conditions. In fact, experts have found that heavy metals like these facilitate the formation of certain diseases. Studies have shown that cilantro and parsley both effectively remove mercury, lead, and aluminum. In fact, Miso and cilantro are often mentioned together as very powerful detoxifying agents. A miso broth with cilantro and green onions is not only a powerful punch to free radicals, it is also pleasing to the palate.

Onions and Garlic

Both onions and garlic are part of the allium or lily family. And both are full of phytonutrients and antioxidants. But in addition to being full of nutrition, they both help fight free radicals in your body and help boost immune efficiency. Onions are also rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that helps ward off free radicals. And Garlic is a natural antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial that helps to sweep your digestive tract free of toxic waste while helping to maintain healthy intestinal flora.

Green and Black Tea

Tea leaves (green tea in particular) have been in the forefront of holistic health for thousands of years. Tea, in general, contains a high concentration of antioxidants due to a powerful presence of polyphenols.  These polyphenols help to fight free radical damage. However, green tea contains more of these powerful compounds than other leaf teas. Uses of green tea run deep in ancient Chinese and Indian traditions to help cleanse and fortify the body. Research shows that the enzymes present in green tea help increase the body’s defense mechanisms against cancer-causing toxins.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Holistic health experts are known to tout the many benefits of Cruciferous vegetables; broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts,  cabbages, radishes, and turnips. Green leafy vegetables like kale, chard, mustard greens, collard greens and spinach are also Cruciferous. Experts explain that these vegetables are widely known for being rich in glucosinolates. This compound not only inhibits cancer cell growth but also acts as a detoxifying agent. In fact, glucosinolates trigger the liver to produce detoxifying enzymes that block free-radical attacks on your DNA.

Lean Meats, Proteins, and Dairies

Amino acids, found in high-quality animal products like meat and dairy, are essential to help your body rebuild itself. Your body uses amino acids to repair the damage that toxins and free radicals do to you. Your body cannot create essential amino acids by itself and gets its supply from what you eat. Choose lean meats such as chicken or fish, or fat-free dairy like yogurt all contain amino acids. Make sure the animal products you consume come from animals that eat only their natural, native diet and raised in healthy surroundings.

Your Holistic Health Expert Has the Best Nutritional Advice

Toxins are everywhere in our modern society and are all but unavoidable in today’s world.  Beyond prescribing a healthy diet, your Relax holistic healthcare professional can perform treatments such as acupuncture, and moxibustion. These also remove toxins from your body. For those with larger concentrations of toxins, homeopathic medicine, compounds, and supplements such as red clover, dandelion, milk thistle, bentonite clay and chlorella may help as well.