Five Ways to Naturally Increase Cognitive Function

Diet, exercise, mental health care and small lifestyle changes  can make a huge difference in the way the brain works. Feeding our minds the right nutrients is crucial to staying alert and focused. These five tips can make or break daily productivity, increase cognitive function and decrease the chances of Alzheimer’s.

1.Eating Certain Foods

There is no single food that can promise strong cognitive function forever, but there are foods that have been proven to increase brain power. A diet high in leafy vegetables such as: broccoli, spinach and kale may help slow cognitive decline.

Naturally fatty foods also feed the brain. Some of these foods are: coconut milk, nuts, avocados and fish. Foods high in fat can decrease chances of Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Exercise 

Regular exercise changes the brain to improve cognitive function, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Exercise reduces anxiety, helps sleep patterns and increases quality of life. Exercise is great for the brain because it often clears the mind and allows relaxation. This might seem like it would exhaust the brain, but it actually increases focus. Exercise helps the mind fall asleep better at night also.

3. Getting the Right Amount of Sleep

Exercise helps the mind and body wind down and get to sleep, which is another essential lifestyle pattern that is best for brain activity. Nobody works well or can focus with lack of sleep. It may be fine for one night, but the body and brain take far too long to recover from poor sleeping habits. This confuses the mind and decreases focus. It is important to have a steady sleep schedule so the brain can take a break at night and feel recharged for the next day.

4. Avoiding These Foods

Stay away from bread and sweets, no matter how tempting. Eating healthy foods instead of reaching for a muffin at lunch can save the mind from crashing mid-afternoon. The sleepiness that happens after lunch is from eating the wrong foods that aren’t doing the mind any favors. It may be hard to stay away from unhealthy carbs and refined sugars, but the energy levels will be rewarding and make this lifestyle change worth it.

5. Meditation 

A Forbes article discusses that meditation can preserve the aging brain. Meditation also eases anxiety and depression, which can lead to a healthier life and increased focus. One study found that just 2 weeks of meditation increased the focus and memory for students taking the GRE. In a previous Relax Holistic blog post, we discuss how to begin a meditation regimen today.

Being conscious of how lifestyle choices affect cognitive function will bring the body one step closer to a healthier, happier life. These 5 tips are doable for most lifestyles and worth trying for the noticeable increase in brain function that will follow.

What Can Your Acupuncturist Do For Arthritis

What Can Your Acupuncturist Do For Arthritis

Arthritis is a very painful condition. At its best, it can cause constant pain. At its worst, it can make simple things difficult to do. Many people do not know that their acupuncturist can bring great relief. But first, you need to know what kind of Arthritis you have. There are many types of Arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease. This is the most common kind of Arthritis, typically caused by repetitive force to your joints and is most common as you age. In this kind of Arthritis, the joint becomes of alignment due to the wearing down of the cartilage from an uneven joint surface. Poor nutrition, not enough blood supply, and poor nerve supply are additional factors.
  • Septic Arthritis can be either bacterial or viral. Both types of septic Arthritis generally start with joint infections.
  • Gouty Arthritis is caused by uric acid crystals getting put in the joint, which causes inflammation. This type of Arthritis is a metabolic condition. There is a more uncommon type called pseudogout. Pseudogout is characterized by painful swelling of your joints coming on suddenly. Episodes of Pseudogout can last for days or even weeks.

How an Acupuncturist can help

Acupuncture may help with arthritis symptoms, including rheumatoid arthritis. Research suggests that acupuncture can have an anti-inflammatory effect and help regulate immune function. Acupuncture may also curb pain by boosting the amount of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers.
A study found that after 26 weeks, patients receiving real acupuncture felt significantly less pain and functioned better than those who received sham acupuncture. The American College of Rheumatology approves acupuncture for treatment of hand, knee, and hip pain.
The benefits of acupuncture can last a few days to a couple of weeks after each session. Over time, acupuncture can provide longer-lasting, or even permanent, relief from pain, inflammation, and other problems.

While anti-inflammatory medication is often given to treat Osteoarthritis, it has been shown to slow the rate that your cartilage heals. Additionally, using anti-inflammatory medicine over a long period of time may damage the lining of your stomach. Chiropractic care is a drugless approach. We work inconjunct with medical doctors, and we can prolong the need for immediate surgeries in many cases.

Acupuncturists also take care of post-surgery pain which usually involves the soft tissues.

Autoimmune Arthritis

Besides Osteoarthritis, there are many forms of autoimmune arthritis. While your acupuncturist is still helpful for autoimmune types of Arthritis like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, or Psoriatic Arthritis, there is no cure. Medication is needed to control these types of Arthritis. While your bones and joints will continue to deteriorate without medication, ask your doctor for medications that are gentler on your stomach lining.

Most people have some of the Arthritis. This is particularly true after 40 years of age. Arthritis is most obvious on an x-ray. Left untreated and allowed to develop Arthritis can become debilitating. If you think you may have Arthritis, or are feeling joint pains, The Relax Holistic Healthcare team is here to help.

TMJ Shows Us That Everything In Our Body is Connected

TMJ Shows Us That Everything In Our Body is Connected

You probably have heard the statement about your body that ‘everything is connected’. The ligaments, the muscles and the joints of the body all work together in harmony so that your body is healthy and in peak performance. When something is disjointed within this system, it can greatly impact your health and well-being. TMJ is a perfect example of this.

TMJ, also known as TMD, refers to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. The Temporomandibular Joint connects your jaw to your skull. This joint affects a lot of your daily activity. It affects the ability to open your mouth, chew, speak and the overall health of your cranial muscles.

You may experience problems with this joint if the muscles or ligaments that control its movement are having issues. Many people may dismiss the symptoms early on and may not realize they have this condition. By recognizing the symptoms and causes of TMJ, you can revive the health of your temporomandibular joint with many holistic care options such as acupuncture and chiropractic adjustments.

Common Symptoms

Do you or someone you know regularly grind their teeth? You may even notice that you wake up in the morning with jaw pain. These can be common symptoms of TMJ. Other symptoms can involve different areas of your body other than the jaw including ear aches and headaches. Over time, these symptoms cause damage that may include erosion of the joint, improper alignment of the joint, or damage of the joint cartilage.

Common symptoms include:

  • Pain in your jaw, cheek, teeth or front of the ear when you chew or yawn
  • Clicking noises in the jaw
  • Jaw Lock when opening your mouth
  • Poor occlusion of the teeth
  • Headaches
  • Symptoms relating to the ear, including hearing issues, dizziness or earaches


Common causes of TMJ disorder include serious jaw trauma, dislocation or dental work.  Maybe you have experienced head trauma that now affects this joint. Even physical or emotional stress can cause TMJ. Emotional stress at work or within your daily life can lead to teeth clenching or grinding. Mineral deficiencies may be another cause.

Statistics show that women are three times as likely to suffer from TMJ as men. Scientists are now studying how female hormones might be correlated with this disorder.

Treatment & Relief

Acupuncture is a great method of relief from TMJ. Acupuncture provides short-term relief from painful TMJ disorder symptoms.  Our Acupuncturist will determine the cause of TMJ by focusing on the meridians of the body. Meridian imbalances are related to other organs in the body. Treating areas of the body with needle pressure can rebalance the body and provide some relief of symptoms.

Massage is effective in relieving TMJ pain. Some massage therapists specialize in TMJ and even work on the muscles inside the mouth to release tension surrounding the jaw.

Chiropractic care treatments may alleviate some of the symptoms of TMD through manipulation of the jaw and muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joint. This can be a huge relief from tension and pain.

You Don’t Need to Suffer from TMJ

TMJ can end up being very uncomfortable to live with without treatment. With holistic care treatments, such as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, and other non-evasive treatments, you will be able to find relief from TMJ. Once your practitioner confirms the diagnosis, you’ll be given a treatment plan based on the specifics of your situation.

The health care team at Relax Holistic will diagnose the cause of your discomfort by looking at the upper cervical vertebra, cranial bones and reviewing your nutritional status. Treatment at Relax Holistic may include holistic care options such as chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, and massage.  Treatment could also include ultrasound, specific cranial adjusting, or even physiotherapy which manipulates the muscles in the mouth. Contact them today at any of their three convenient Los Angeles locations for relief from your TMJ symptoms!